Simple Body Scrub

I’m not going to apologise for who I am, and I’m actually going to love the skin that I’m in – Amy Schumer

There’s nothing better than the feeling of smooth skin but having to buy tubs of body scrubs throughout the year can get expensive.

As long as you have oil and sugar you can make this body scrub in under 5 minutes.

You can use whatever you have in the cupboard, I used granulated sugar but you can use white or brown if you want a smoother scrub or even sea salt for a more coarse scrub.

I used extra virgin olive oil which can be substituted with almond or coconut oil.

I also added a few drops of essential oils, I used lavender in this one as I’ll be using it before bed, I have a morning scrub which has citrus oils in to help me wake up. Coconut oil and vanilla would smell so yummy in the colder months too.

It couldn’t be easier to make, add 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup oil, mix well, add 5-10 drops of oils if you want and you’re done!

A good rule is 80% sugar to 20% oil but you can play around with the measurements till you get the consistency you’re happy with.

I keep mine in an airtight jar, these jars also make your scrub look a bit more fancier if you’re giving them away as gifts.

Or if you just want to keep your shower looking neat and tidy.

Give yourself a pamper day and don’t forget about your lips, use my Lip Scrub too 😊



  • 1 cup sugar or sea salt
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 5-10 drops essential oils (optional)


  • Add the sugar to container of choice
  • Slowly pour over the oil and mix well
  • Use less or more oil till you reach the consistency you desire
  • Add essential oils and combine